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Sherry Amatenstein

Finally! Why One Madly-in-Love Couple Waited 37 Years to Marry
6 min October 2, 2024Author: Sherry Amatenstein

Finally! Why One Madly-in-Love Couple Waited 37 Years to Marry

By Sherry Amatenstein

It took 37 years to get from first meeting to first dance as spouses. Here, a wonderful love story about what it's like to get married in your 60s....

Friendship Lost and Found: Reuniting After a Falling Out
7 min July 8, 2024Author: Sherry Amatenstein

Friendship Lost and Found: Reuniting After a Falling Out

By Sherry Amatenstein

Some broken friendships can be back together years later. Sherry Amatenstein reports on the special value of reconnection....

Praying for Peacemakers in Time of War in the Middle East
6 min October 24, 2023Author: Sherry Amatenstein

Praying for Peacemakers in Time of War in the Middle East

By Sherry Amatenstein

Sherry Amatenstein is a child of Holocaust survivors who believes Palestinians deserve a homeland. Even now. Especially now....

Praying for Peacemakers in Time of War in the Middle East
6 min October 24, 2023Author: Sherry Amatenstein

Praying for Peacemakers in Time of War in the Middle East

By Sherry Amatenstein

Sherry Amatenstein is a child of Holocaust survivors who believes Palestinians deserve a homeland. Even now. Especially now....

Amy Ferris on How to Embrace Your Messy, Gorgeous Life
6 min October 11, 2023Author: Sherry Amatenstein

Amy Ferris on How to Embrace Your Messy, Gorgeous Life

By Sherry Amatenstein

This ferocious promoter of female empowerment has written a new book, Mighty Gorgeous, about falling in love with yourself, flaws and all....

Amy Ferris on How to Embrace Your Messy, Gorgeous Life
6 min October 11, 2023Author: Sherry Amatenstein

Amy Ferris on How to Embrace Your Messy, Gorgeous Life

By Sherry Amatenstein

This ferocious promoter of female empowerment has written a new book, Mighty Gorgeous, about falling in love with yourself, flaws and all....

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