Results for "Cathi Hanauer"

Things to Do in Tuscany: Why It’s Wonderful Year-Round
10 min April 8, 2024Author: Janet Siroto

Things to Do in Tuscany: Why It’s Wonderful Year-Round

By Janet Siroto

Amazing art, architecture, scenery, and sustenance: Tuscany offers everything you need to live la dolce vita when traveling in Italy....

Why the Coming Eclipse is Like First-Time Sex
3 min April 4, 2024Author: Jeannie Ralston

Why the Coming Eclipse is Like First-Time Sex

By Jeannie Ralston

Jeannie Ralston has seen 2 solar eclipses and her reaction was the same as bad sex: "Was that it?" She isn't falling for the hype this time....

Just Say “No”: How a People-Pleaser Reformed
4 min April 3, 2024Author: Ginny McReynolds

Just Say “No”: How a People-Pleaser Reformed

By Ginny McReynolds

Do you attend events and help out friends when the voice inside your head is screaming, “But I don’t want to”? Learn how one woman changed her way...

Marfa and Big Bend: Savoring Art, Nature, and New Friends in West Texas
8 min April 2, 2024Author: Becky Rutland

Marfa and Big Bend: Savoring Art, Nature, and New Friends in West Texas

By Becky Rutland

How a group of intrepid women discovered beauty and adventure – and major bonding – in west Texas ...

Hey, Over-Invested Moms: Your Grown Child’s Romance Is None of Your Business
5 min April 1, 2024Author: Kate Stone Lombardi

Hey, Over-Invested Moms: Your Grown Child’s Romance Is None of Your Business

By Kate Stone Lombardi

You welcome your kids’ significant others into your home. You grow fond of them. Here’s why you shouldn’t get too attached....

Time to Fly: Diary of an Old Aerialist
5 min March 28, 2024Author: Caytha Jentis

Time to Fly: Diary of an Old Aerialist

By Caytha Jentis

At age 62, one woman discovers the sense of fun, freedom, and focus that flying high can bring....

Whiskey and Women: An Expert Spills Her Scotch Secrets
5 min March 27, 2024Author: Jeannie Ralston

Whiskey and Women: An Expert Spills Her Scotch Secrets

By Jeannie Ralston

The outspoken Whisky Lassie, Johanne McInnis, has helped countless women discover whiskey and its Scottish homeland (including NextTribers). Listen in ...

Cookie-Spitting and Canine Crack: One Wild Week at Dog Boot Camp
5 min March 26, 2024Author: Carol Ardman

Cookie-Spitting and Canine Crack: One Wild Week at Dog Boot Camp

By Carol Ardman

Craving a new adventure, Carol Ardman signed up for a doggie boot camp with her Maltipoo; there she discovered a crazy world of hyper-serious dog lovers...

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