
NextTribe trips, travel tips, plus essays about how travel can transform us.

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How a Tour Company Is Elevating Females in Honor of Women’s Equality Day
2 min August 21, 2019Author: Janet Siroto

How a Tour Company Is Elevating Females in Honor of Women’s Equality Day

By Janet Siroto

Intrepid Travel is working to promote women all over the world by hiring more female tour leaders and helping women in countries they visit earn a livin...

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7 min May 24, 2019Author: Leah Ingram

Game of Thrones Withdrawals? Maybe It’s Time to Book a Set Tour

By Leah Ingram

Winter is coming...and so are the fans. To Northern Ireland and other filming locations. Our writer lets her Game of Thrones geek flag fly....

Vacationing with Grown Kids: Letting Go of Control and Letting Them Teach
5 min October 5, 2018Author: Janet Siroto

Vacationing with Grown Kids: Letting Go of Control and Letting Them Teach

By Janet Siroto

After a couple of decades of shepherding family trips, Janet Siroto heads off with her 20-something sons and gets a whole new perspective on parenting....

Be One" width="800" height="500" data-ratio="0.625"/>
2 min September 14, 2018Author: Nina Malkin

Traveling? A Site Helps You Find a House/Pet Sitter or Be One

By Nina Malkin

Worrying about furry friends at home while you're on vacay? Buzzkill! We found a trustworthy site that will help ease your mind while you're away from h...

Family Road Trip: Our End-of-Childhood RV Tour of the West
7 min June 27, 2018Author: Jeannie Ralston

Family Road Trip: Our End-of-Childhood RV Tour of the West

By Jeannie Ralston

The summer before her oldest headed to college, NextTribe’s Jeannie Ralston and family traveled through national parks in an RV. There, among the wild...

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