
NextTribe trips, travel tips, plus essays about how travel can transform us.

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Best Restaurants in Paris: A Guide 40 Years in the Making
8 min February 20, 2024Author: Ellen Williams

Best Restaurants in Paris: A Guide 40 Years in the Making

By Ellen Williams

NextTribe's Paris expert reports on the most memorable places to eat in the City of Light. Dig in!...

On the Hunt: Best Places to Shop in New York City
7 min February 13, 2024Author: Kimberly Cihlar

On the Hunt: Best Places to Shop in New York City

By Kimberly Cihlar

NextTribe’s fashion editor shops for a living. Here, she shares her secret style sources throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn. ...

Best Places to Visit in Vietnam
13 min February 8, 2024Author: Janet Siroto

Best Places to Visit in Vietnam

By Janet Siroto

In advance of NextTribe's own trip to Vietnam, Janet Siroto reports on why every moment in this sumptuous country feels like a revelation. ...

Best Things to Do in Asheville NC
21 min February 1, 2024Author: Jeannie Ralston

Best Things to Do in Asheville NC

By Jeannie Ralston

When NextTribe founder Jeannie Ralston moved to Asheville, NC, she discovered a rich culture and an ideal destination for a stunning mountain adventure....

A Light-Packer Repents: In Praise of Travel Baggage
6 min January 29, 2024Author: Janet Siroto

A Light-Packer Repents: In Praise of Travel Baggage

By Janet Siroto

She usually made do with just a carry on, but here's the trip that showed Janet Siroto the joys and freedom of going bigger with the bags. ...

Bold Women Rock “Day of the Dead” Trip
7 min January 23, 2024Author: Mary Lou Mazzara

Bold Women Rock “Day of the Dead” Trip

By Mary Lou Mazzara

A trip to Mexico during its loveliest, liveliest festival brought Mary Lou Mazarra closer to her lost loved ones and the women traveling with her. ...

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