Solo Travel Has Never Been Easier—or More Rewarding

Solo Travel Has Never Been Easier—or More Rewarding

I’ve been flying alone since I was six years old, when my parents put me on a plane from Richmond, Virginia to Philadelphia to visit my grandparents. When I spilled a glass of milk all over my yellow organdy dress it spoiled the fantasy that I was just like the other...
A New Way to Live as We Grow Older: Boomer Roomers

A New Way to Live as We Grow Older: Boomer Roomers

The Golden Girls was never my jam. The cranky old mom with her snarky daughter, the chatty airhead, and the age-denying Southern belle. When it debuted in 1985, I was living on the East Coast, working in network television. Nothing could have been farther from my...
Hey, Don Lemon, Who You Calling “Not Prime”?

Hey, Don Lemon, Who You Calling “Not Prime”?

Prime seating at a sports event might be courtside at the Lakers. A prime cut of meat is better quality and more expensive. But a woman is in her “prime” when she’s in her “20s, 30s, or maybe 40s,” according to Don Lemon. He’s an authority on this because he looked it...

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